Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Well, it's been a few days since I've last blogged... sorry about that, been really busy.
Anyway, I've been on MyBrute, True Game Studios, YouTube, annnnd Photoshop.
Just wanted to give you guys a few cool websites:
The second and third links are for crack/free full programs such as:
- Halo - Combat Envolved
- Camtasia Studio 6 - Computer Video Recording
- Gears of War 1
- Fallout 3
And many more...
The first one has MANY cool FREE fonts you can download... all you have to do is this:
- Download (if not installed already) WinRAR, found on google, use the download.com one.
- Go here and download any font you want. My favorite is here, called Grand Stylus, of the grafitti fonts page.
- Make a New Folder in Documents or Desktop called 'Installed Fonts'
- Open the .ZIP/.RAR file, and you'll see (usually) a notepad file, and a .TTF/.ABR (same) type of file.
- Extract/Drag to 'Installed Fonts'.
- Now, once you've done this, right click the .TTF/.ABR file, and click "Install".
- You're Done! Enjoy! ;D
Thanks for reading! Please comment.